
First Home Buyer?
Easy first home buyer calculator

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Calculate how much you can borrow

Refinancing a Property?
Make a decision to refinance with the help of this calculator

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Compare loans with this easy tool

Investing in property?
See how you can invest in properties

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Calculate how much a lump sum payment will save you.

Select from our list of calculators

Borrowing Power Calculator

Use your details to estimate how much you could borrow.

Mortgage Switching Calculator

See what it costs to move your loan to a new lender.

Split Loan Calculator

Work out the costs of splitting your loan into a fixed and variable loan.

Comparison Rate Calculator

Use interest rates and fees to compare trues costs of different loans.

Income Gross Up Calculator

Use your details to estimate how much you could borrow.

Reverse Mortgage Calculator

See how much equity you can access in your home and calculate the costs of the loan.

Extra Repayment Calculator

See the difference additional payments will make on your home loan.

How Long to Repay Calculator

Work out how long it will take to pay off your loan.

Stamp Duty Calculator

Find out how much stamp duty you’ll have to pay on a home.

Introductory Rate Loan Calculator

Calculate what happens to your loan with an introductory or ‘honeymoon’ rate.

Budget Planner

Use your income and expenses and to better plan your spending.

Home Loan Offset Calculator

Estimate how much interest you’ll save by using your savings to offset your home loan.

Leasing Calculator

Calculate the repayments you’ll need to make on a financed vehicle or equipment.

Lump Sum Repayment Calculator

Calculate how much a lump sum payment on your loan will save you.

Income Tax Calculator

See exactly how much tax you’ll pay on your income

Property Buying Cost Calculator

See what buying will cost you on top of the purchase price.

Property Selling Cost Calculator

Find out how much it will cost to sell your property and see where to save.

Interest Only Mortgage Calculator

Work out your repayments on an interest-only home loan.